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BT Americas, Inc.
BT Global Services is a managed networked IT services company, operating globally and delivering locally. We work for 8,500 organizations, such as BMW, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Heinz, Proctor and Gamble, PepsiCo, Bristol-Myers Squibb, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Fiat, Microsoft, NATO, NYSE, Thomson Reuters, Unilever, Volkswagen and Volvo. They rely on our networks and services for their success.
We understand networks and our customers can draw on more than 35 years of experience working with them. We have a unique breadth of scope, reach and capability. Our network reaches all corners of the world, underpinning global business by delivering networked IT services securely and efficiently wherever it operates. We're part of BT Group, which, with annual revenues of more than $30 billion, is one of the 200 largest companies in the world. BT is a direct descendent of the world's first commercial telecommunications undertaking. Founded in 1846, it was the forerunner of today’s $3.2 trillion IT industry. With privatization in 1984, BT heralded today’s vibrant and competitive telecommunications industry.
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