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Cisco Systems
Cisco's mission is to "shape the future of the Internet by creating unprecedented value and opportunity for our customers, employees, investors, and ecosystem partners."
As a founding member of the Veterans Job Mission, Cisco has a long history of supporting transitioning military personnel, veterans and their families. We partner with more than 1700 education partners in the United States (US) though the Cisco Networking Academy. Transitioning personnel, veterans, and military families can enroll in Academy courses and gain valuable training that opens a door to entry-level jobs and certifications in information technology (IT).
Cisco is recognized as a Military Friendly Employer by Victory Media and we value our veteran employees. Many of them actively support deployed and returning military personnel and their families. For example, Cisco's Veterans Enablement & Troop Support employee resource organization (VETS ERO) advocates for veterans within the company and helps connect veterans to mentoring, training resources, and career events such as the annual Cisco Veterans Technology Day.
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