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OneMain Financial
OneMain Financial is a national, branch-based installment lender. With more than 100 years of experience behind us, we are proud to offer safe, affordable loans to everyday Americans. Regardless of whether you’re looking to alleviate a financial hardship, improve your credit score or just fund some fun, our almost 1,600 branches and 10,000 employees have you covered. OneMain currently serves about 2.4 million customers across 44 states. We know that our company’s success is intertwined with our employees’ success. We are proud to partner with Veteran Jobs Mission to support and empower America’s veterans, as well as to learn from the coalition so we can strengthen our veteran hiring program. OneMain recognizes and values the experience and skills that veterans bring to the workforce, and we are ready and excited to contribute to their post-military professional success. We encourage you to visit our careers page to start your OneMain journey. – Jen Ghazzouli – VP, Managing Director – Recruiting.
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