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Skookum Contract Services
Skookum is a non-profit, government, and commercial contractor that provides superior services to our customers and our employees.
Skookum is dedicated to hiring and supporting people with disabilities, Veterans with service-connected and/or combat-related disabilities, Veterans, and Military Spouses.
With over 1,300 employees, Skookum provides Facilities Management, Logistics Support Services which include Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance and Repair, Transportation Services, Fuel Supply Management, Retail Supply and Services, Warehousing Management, Central Issue Facility Operations, Food Services, and Information Technology Support for Logistics Software systems for the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of State and Homeland Security departments. Skookum’s Home Office is located in Bremerton, WA and we operate in 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Our mission: Creating Opportunities for People of All Abilities
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